Rain, rain go away come again another day…. which was our song of the weekend. It sadly rained every day we were in Paris. We sadly put to rest four umbrellas that die from the wind and rain. Despite the rain Paris was beyond amazing, and the rain just makes me want to go back in the summer that much more. Paris was one of the three school trips I’m taking while here so they provide all the transportation and accommodations. We left Wednesday afternoon from the manor and took the train into London. From there we took the Chunnel into Paris, the Chunnel is a train that goes underwater from London into Europe, sadly though the tunnel is not clear so you can’t see underwater. After arriving in Paris we got settled in our hotel room and just walked around in that area and grabbed a small dinner at a street stand. We got up early on Thursday and hit the streets of Paris. On Thursday we crossed one of our many things off our list, get lost in The Louvre. The Louvre was once home to Louise XIII and is now home to artist work from around the world. The Louvre is the more impressive museum I think I will ever spend time in. If one were to Google top ten things to do in Paris, getting lost in the Louvre is one of them, and that indeed is what we did. The Louvre is home to Leonardo Devinci’s Mona Lisa, the Nike of Samothrace (winged Victory), as well as Lady Auxerre (a statue that represents the most beautiful women in the world, and a statue of Mary Magdalene. All these pieces were beyond amazing, there is no denying their beauty and artistic ability as artist. Not many people are can they saw the Mona Lisa original, although small, is still beautiful. The pure architect of the Louvre is what amazed me beyond belief. No pictures or words can do justice to the building.
That night us six girls (Laura, Veronica, Talia, Holly and Steph) and our friend Terry stopped at the local store and got some wine and snacks and headed out to the Eiffel Tower. Every night the Eiffel Tower is light up, then every hour they do a light show in which white lights sparkle on top of the already light up Tower. The Eiffel Tower was everything I expected and more, it was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen while over here. We captured probably more pictures of the Eiffel Tower then one will ever need. We stayed there for hours, watching a couple of light shows. Although it had rained earlier that day the night ended up clear and perfect for the Eiffel Tower.
The next day we started off and headed out shopping. We girls got new pea coats in Paris. After that we headed off to see the Notre Dame. The Notre Dame was amazing cathedral; I couldn’t help but think of Disney’s movie the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The architecture again was amazing. We just sat there for a while taking it all in. Afterwards Terry left to hit up another museum while us girls headed off to our free Paris fashion show we signed up for. We found it online as one of the top ten free things to do in Paris, so we registered for it for us six girls. Sadly after getting there and waiting and have been pointed in the right direction, we find out that the fashion show is every Friday, expect for this particular Friday. So we scratch that idea and headed back to the hotel since I needed to register for my classes for spring semester. That night we dressed up and went out of experience French cuisine. We headed out to a part of Paris called Montmartre. After that we met up with more students from our school and wondered had some wine and explored the streets. Laura Veronica and I stayed out and danced the night away.
The next day we got up early once again and had an amazing breakfast that our hotel has for us, we actually had this every morning, our group has full heartedly fallen in love with nutella. That day we managed to get some much in that it left us beyond exhausted at night. We got up and went to the arch de triumph walked down the Champ Elysee and stopped in at stores like Louise Vuitton, and Mercedes Bins dealership. We then took the metro back to Montmartre and went to the famous white church at the top of Montmartre over looks all of Paris. It was slightly cloudy and extremely windy so the view and experience wasn’t the best but the view was spectacular. We also went and saw the outside of the Moulin Rouge, for I have grown up watching that movie all through middle school and high school. It was neat to see the Moulin Rouge on the screen to real life. It was a neat experience to say the least.
Sunday we had to leave at one in the afternoon so we spent the morning hitting up souvenir shops and then got crepes with nutella and bananas before leaving and taking the Chunnel back to London.
This week and weekend I have spent mornings up until two am consequent nights working on homework. I have had a lot of homework and exams and just need to get through Tuesday. This weekend besides homework our British family spent a lot of time with us. We went out Friday and Saturday. As well we had a costume ball on Saturday. Keep tuned for a posting on those after I finish my last term paper, as well as later on a posting on Greece, since five of us girls are leaving for Greece on Wed.
Only 27 more days until I’m back at home, so I hope everyone is preparing for my homecoming! Hahah
Oh Girl sounds like a wonderful time in Paris. One day we should go there together! Reading your post makes me miss you more and more. I will be waiting with a big smile on my face at the airport for you in 26 days.